Unlike the traditional letter, postcards provide another dimension to communication with a loved one. Because of their limited space, messages must be brief and to the point. An outside reader is able to gain little understanding of the author because of the succinct text, which makes the message seem quite mundane or humorous without more context.
“Dear little Helen.
Will you tell Mother she has forgotten Aunt Bess is still alive? I’m in Frankfort for a ten day visit. Auntie is with my little chicks. Kiss Mother & father for me.
Aunt Bess.“
March 4, 1842
“Thanks for the buttons. Thou I looked in vain for a word with them. You will see by the card we had been in Earlville. Went over there Sat. Mar 28 to a hobby show. Very good little show. lande & family did their moving that day. Snowed or rained all day.
Sleepy now so bye. M.C.D.”
December 2, 1907
“Am sorry my picture isn’t on instead of this one, as no doubt mine would be a big improvement. How are you getting along with the olive oil? Hope you’ll weight 200 when I come again. M.J.”
September 21, 1942
We drove thu here last week and it’s a lovely place. Not too far-out for a hike some-day if I ever get that ambitious & find some one equally so!
How does DeKalb fare these days? And the Jarvis family?
May 8, 1946
“But if nothing happens I will be down there Tuesday. Sent Record. I got fired 8 wks. ago. Watch for me Tuesday. Short.”
August 9, 1909
“Dear Cousin
Rec your card and am glad to hear that you are all getting along fine.
I started threshing a very large yield but good weight.
Auntie & acenith went to Reinfbeck Fri. A.M. We had a fine visit with them. The Ladies Aid had an ice cream social here Wed night. Made little over $14. acenith has the picture for you.
Postcard Collection. RC 199, Boxes 2 & 8.