Among the resources available in the Southeast Asia Collection at NIU Libraries are a number of "vertical files" containing information not available on the periodicals shelf or the NIU Online Catalog. Essentially these are ephemeral materials that are kept in paper folders and filed in the cabinets located in the office of the Southeast Asia Assistant's office. The resources are accessible to the public only on a walk-in basis. The materials in the "vertical files" pertain to all the countries in Southeast Asia, and include newsletters, pamphlets, notes, memos, journals (less than 10 issues), and other ephemeral publications. In addition to the list of the materials, images of the journal covers available in the "vertical files" can also be viewed below.
For more information regarding access to the "vertical files" please contact Joanna Kulma , Southeast Asia Collection Assistant, room 496, Founders Memorial Library, phone: 815-753-1819, email at