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Music Faculty LibGuide: Request a purchase

Forms and other information for faculty


Each year the Music Librarian is given a materials budget to develop the Music Library collection.  This budget varies from year to year, and it is the Music Librarian's discretion on how it is spent.  Inputs given by SoM faculty and students are valued. Requests made for course materials are given a high priority. The requestor will be notified if the item cannot be purchased, and will be notified when it is ready for circulation if it is purchased.  Please contact the Music Librarian, Sarah Holmes at with any questions or concerns.

Music Library Request Form

Please use this form to request items.  If they are for a course please see the box to the right, if it doesn't meet that criteria, please use this form instead. 

Interim Music Librarian

Profile Photo
Nan Yamprai
Music Library,
Music Building Room175
550 Lucinda Ave, DeKalb, IL 60115
Subjects: Music

Textbook Request

The cost of textbooks has been on the rise for many years.  Did you know the average college student spends approximately $1,200, on books and supplies for a school year?  That's $4,800 for a four-year program - just on texts and supplies. Imagine how much more music students spend on their extra materials.  Traditionally the University Libraries doesn't purchase textbooks, due to high cost, and the high frequency of new editions.  Seeing that many of our students struggle with access to course materials, and often will go without a text for the whole semester,  a task force has been assembled and some funds have been directed towards the purchase of high-cost texts. 

Use the Textbook Recommendation Form if:

  • The course has high enrollment (or is used for multiple courses)
  • The course has a high cost text
  • There are no access codes that you are requiring student to use
  • This book will be used for multiple semesters

Note: Please indicate that you would like the item on the Music Library reserve shelf, not in Founders

Also, this form/fund is not managed by the Music Librarian. 

To learn more about textbook affordability, and what you, as a faculty member can do to help our students please visit the Textbook Affordability LibGuide.