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Music Faculty LibGuide: Blackboard

Forms and other information for faculty


Blackboard courses have become a prominent part of education.  There are ways the library can supplement, accentuate, and assist in your online atmosphere.  Even if your course is taught in person, or you teach a nontraditional course such as private lessons, or ensembles, the Music Library can enrich your Blackboard environment.

Library Orientation

Our new Student Success Librarian, Kimberly Shotick ( has created a module for Blackboard relating to research. The module can be added in whole or in part to your Blackboard course.  Even if your course isn't requiring a research paper, consider adding the module.  It may help them in other courses where this module isn't offered.  All students will eventually have to do some sort of research.  Having this knowledge and these skills will help them in many aspects of their education, and in life.

If you are interested in adding this, please contact the Music Librarian (

Below are descriptions of the modules and related outcomes: 

Developing a Research Strategy

  • Identify keywords related to your topic
  • Adapt your search to narrow down your results
  • Adapt your search to broaden your results

Evaluating Resources


  • Evaluate the appropriateness of a resource based on who the author is, how it was created/edited, and why it was created 
  • Describe the information cycle 

Research Tools


  • Describe services and resources available in the library 
  • Conduct a basic search in HuskieSearch 
  • Use filters in HuskieSearch to narrow down your results 

Librarian in Class

You can add the Music Librarian to your course. There are a few different role options for this. The Librarian can monitor a discussion board dedicated to research and library-related questions. Students can see if their questions have been asked already, and encourage them to seek help.  The Music Librarian can also come to class virtually to do bibliographic instruction (discuss research processes or talk about resources available to the students relating to the course). There are also other options available.  Please contact the Music Librarian (

Music Librarian

Profile Photo
Nan Yamprai
Music Library,
Music Building Room175
550 Lucinda Ave, DeKalb, IL 60115
Subjects: Music