A digest is a compilation of case annotations, arranged alphabetically by subject. Case annotations are short descriptions of a single aspect of a case.
Most digests are published by West/Thomson Reuters and use the West Topic and Key Number System. This system allows the researcher to research similar cases in any jurisdiction that is covered by a West digest or has cases published in a West reporter. Because the topic and key number system from the print digests and reporters is also used in West's online system, knowing how to locate case law in print, and understanding how the information is organized, can lead to better online research results. Sometimes when online research is unsuccessful browsing through a print digest will help the researcher end up in the right place.
Digests (both print & online) allow you to:
Note that this is not a complete list of digests. Most states have individual digests and several of the regional reporters have corresponding digests. There are also subject-specific digests (e.g., bankruptcy, education law). All of these can be found online in Westlaw.
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