American Geographical Society Library - The home page for the library of the American Geographic Society, based at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. A useful feature of this page is a link to the full-text latest issue of Current Geographic Publications, the best online index to periodical literature in all subfields of the discipline except meteorology.
Center for International Earth Science Information Network - A regional directory and data access system developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, highlighting the "Great Lakes Program." Searchers will find the access to the database of the Great Lakes National Program office especially useful.
Great Lakes Information Network - A site created through a partnership of hundreds of state, provincial, regional, and federal organizations and agencies offering environmental, economic, and ecological coverage of the binational Great Lakes area. A search engine permitting free text scanning is provided.
SULIS (Sustainable Urban Landscape Information Series) - Housed at the University of Minnesota, Department of Horticultural Science. "The goal of SULIS is to provide sustainable landscape information to the public and to the horticultural and landscape industries." Topics covered are design, plat selection, implementation, and maintenance.