AgeSourceWorldwide/AgeStats Worldwide - Created by the American Association of Retired Persons, these free access databases offer two distinctive bodies of information. Age Source contains resources from 25 countries relevant to age-related issues , ranging in type from government reports to libraries. Age Stats profiles global data on the situation of the elderly by topics ( such as health and wellness, livabl;e communities and long term care ) or by geographic region, with projections available up to 2050.
Children's Rights: International and National Laws and Practices - A report prepared by the Law Library of Congress covering children's righsts as they existed in the legal systems of sixteen nations in both hemispheres ( last updated in August 2010 ) with each national report iavailable in full text form.
Confronting Confinement - The text of a report released in 2006 by the Commission on Safety and Abuse in America's Prisons.
Global Distribution of Poverty - The home site of the Poverty Mapping Project at CIESIN (The Center for International Earth Science Information Network) at the Earth Institute at Columbia University, foudned in 2004 Sections profile the subnational poverty data sets so far developed, poverty maps at a variety of scales ( (global, regional, national, and urban areas) and for infant mortality and child hunger, and offer a discussion of the methods used to produce the datasets and interdisciplinary applications made by other social sciences of this data.
Labadie Collection (University of Michigan) - This special library is the oldest collection of materials documenting a wide variety of social protest movements from the ninteenth and twentieth centuries. Materials held range from political buttons to original manuscripts and audio recordings.
Program on the Global Demography of Aging - Based at Harvard, this ongoing research effort focuses on four areas ( with particular attention to the developing world ) -the global patterns of mortality, disease and morbidity in aging populations, social factors affecting aging and population health, the economics of Medicare, and teh economic copnseqeunces of aging worldwide.