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Hospitality and Tourism Management: Accessing Full Text Articles

Accessing Full Text Articles

When the full text of an article is not available in the database you are searching, click on the FIND IT button. Please be patient for the new HuskieSearch page to full load with options. 


  • IF THE FULL TEXT ARTICLE IS AVAILABLE ONLINE THROUGH NIU, go to the View Online section for links to the electronic resources that provide access to the journal. NOTE: The first link listed should take you directly to the full text of the article. However, you may be taken to the journal page, so you will have to locate the specific article using citation information (i.e. year, volume, issue). Please be patient for the new HuskieSearch page to fully load with options. 


  • IF THE FULL TEXT ARTICLE IS NOT AVAILABLE THROUGH NIU LIBRARIES, request the article through ILLiad by clicking on the Request from Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) link. The form will expand to submit the request. Delivery time for articles is typically 2-3 days. Please be patient for the new HuskieSearch page to fully load with options. 

NIUILLiad screenshot


Important Note: Only faculty may request articles through Get It Now when the option is available. However, if the article is not needed ASAP, we encourage faculty to use ILLiad even if Get it Now is available because it is a more cost-effective way for the library to acquire articles.  

CCC Get It Now screenshot

Accessing Full Text Articles Video

Your ILLiad Account

ILLiad is one of the services we use to request items not available through NIU Libraries or I-Share. Access your ILLiad Account through My Library Account.

When you log in to the Overview page, you will see the box for Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad). Click on the NIUILLiad link to access your account where you can view, make, and manage ILLiad requests.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Off-campus faculty, staff, and students will need to designate their Campus Affiliation on the Change Personal Information page to ensure that physical items are delivered to their preferred location.


To View Requested Full Text Articles

You will receive an email when the article you requested through ILLiad is available.

  • Log into My Library Account from the library's home page. For more information about logging in, go to the My Library Account tab. 
  • In your account Overview, go to the Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad) box under My Articles. Click on the link to access the full text.   
