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Northern Illinois University
College of Law
David C. Shapiro Memorial Law Library

Increasing your Scholarly Impact (College of Law Faculty)

New as of August 2020: Two-way integration between HeinOnline and ORCiD

On August 26, HeinOnline announced that the second phase of their integration with ORCiD is now complete. In addition to being able to see works from HeinOnline on your ORCiD author page, works on your ORCiD author page will appear on your HeinOnline Author Profile.

This development is especially important if you have published books, do interdisciplinary work and/or publish in journals outside of the traditional law reviews that make up such a large part of HeinOnline's database: " creating and adding publications to their ORCID profiles, law scholars can now elect to have their books, interdisciplinary works, and many other works appear in HeinOnline which US News is using as the data source for their scholarly impact ranking." --

To make the magic happen, you need to have set up an ORCiD account (procedures described below) and connected it to your HeinOnline Author Profile (procedures described on the HeinOnline Author Profiles page of this guide).


What is an ORCiD ID?

  • Unique identifier for your scholarly identity; helps disambiguate you from other authors with same/similar names
  • Some grant organizations require ORCiD iDs; many encourage them
  • Free; quick to set up a basic account
  • Can include your ORCiD iD in SSRN and HeinOnline
    • SSRN (since 2014) simply a data field
    • Hein (since 2020) is interactive

Registering an ORCiD ID

  1. Go to  This page on the ORCiD site gives you detailed information on each of the form fields.
  2. If you intend to connect your HeinOnline Author Profile to ORCiD (recommended), Visibility must be set to either Trusted Parties or Everyone.
  3. Click the Terms of Use box,  then click Register.
  4. You’ll receive an email asking you to confirm your registration. Confirm your registration per the instructions in the email.

Tip: You can add a Trusted Individual to your ORCiD account to assist in the management of your publications list. Trusted individuals do not need to be a professor or researcher, but they must have their own ORCiD ID.

Enhancing your ORCiD Account

ORCiD 101 for Individuals includes a short (4-minute) video and additional steps you can take to further enhance your profile including "Good Enough" and "Best Practices" options.

  • Support is available for adding works manually.
  • You can also edit works already in your ORCiD account.
    • Please note the separate instructions for editing "Works added from another source..." which includes works that were added to your account from HeinOnline.

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