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Northern Illinois University
College of Law
David C. Shapiro Memorial Law Library

Increasing your Scholarly Impact (College of Law Faculty)

Editing Your HeinOnline Author Profile

You can edit your own Hein Author Profile or allow the Law Library to edit it on your behalf.  If you'd like the Law Library to make the edits, please send the updates needed to Rachel Ford.

If you want to edit your own Author Profile you first need a MyHein account that uses the email address found in your Author Profile. If you don't already have a MyHein account, here's how to create one:

  1. Click the MyHein menu item located on the upper right of all pages in Hein Online.
  2. Create a user name and password, then enter your email address, your name, and optionally your institution. Select a User Type. Click Register.
  3. After creating your account, you will receive an email confirming your username and password.

To edit your Author Profile:

  1. Connect to HeinOnline then log into your MyHein account.
  2. Select Author Profile Admin from the dropdown list.
  3. Follow Hein's instructions for how to edit your profile.
  4. As of May 2020, you can also add the URL of your SSRN profile to the Media section of the page. 


Adding your ORCiD ID to your Author Profile

  1. Go to your NIU faculty web page (easiest way to get there is from the COL faculty and staff directory). On your web page, click on your HeinOnline Author Profile link, located just after your biography.
  2. From your HeinOnline Author Profile, click Register or Connect your ORCiD ID.
  3. Sign into your ORCiD account.
  4. A screen will display noting "HeinOnline has asked for the following access to your ORCiD Record." Click Authorize.
  5. You'll be returned to HeinOnline and your ORCiD ID will now display on your Author Profile.

Sending your works in HeinOnline to ORCiD

Reminder: Don't proceed with this step until the articles in your HeinOnline Author Profile are complete and correct.

These instructions assume you’ve already set up an ORCiD ID and connected it to HeinOnline. If you haven’t done that yet, refer to the instructions above.

  1.  If you’re proceeding directly from connecting your ORCiD ID to HeinOnline, you should see a button labeled Send Works to ORCiD beneath your ORCiD ID.
  2. Click on the Send works to ORCiD button. A list of the works HeinOnline thinks are yours will display with a check box next to them so you can select them. (Any works that have already been sent to ORCiD will not include a checkbox.)
  3. Click the checkbox next to each work you want to send to ORCiD, then click Submit.  You may see a message that it might take a while for citations to be uploaded, depending on how many there are.
  4. Log in to your ORCiD account and make sure everything uploaded correctly.


  • You can optionally adjust the display of individual works on your ORCiD profile by selecting the Visibility option next to each article. For Hein/ORCiD interoperability to work, articles need to either be set to Everyone (green “Group” icon) or Trusted Parties (gold “Key” icon).
  • For more information about enhancing your ORCiD profile and your works, see ORCiD’s support pages.

FYI: eventually works represented in your ORCID record that are not in HeinOnline will be pulled into your HeinOnline Author Profile, but this is not yet functional.

Setting up HeinOnline Publication Alerts

Setting up email alerts will notify you when Hein adds works to your Author Profile. This can alert you to situations where an article has been attributed to you erroneously.

  1. Go to your NIU faculty web page (easiest way to get there is from the COL faculty and staff directory). On your web page, click on your HeinOnline Author Profile link,  located just after your biography.
  2. In the upper right corner of your Author Profile page, click on the Bell icon.
  3. Click the box next to When new material for this author is added to HeinOnline. (The other 3 alert types are optional; select them if you like.)
  4. Enter your email address(es) to receive the alerts emails.
  5. Click Set up email alerts.

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