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Artificial Intelligence and Library Services: Home



This LibGuide includes mainly representative pages from selected AI Guides published by academic libraries of the Academic Research Libraries group. The sections presented (tabs) in this guide are the common areas covered by these ARL guides. This guide is not intended to be comprehensive; it is limited to aspects of AI related to academic libraries and with a focus on library services.


Artificial Intelligence in Education

NIU Center for Innovation Teaching and learning

This site provides information about NIU programs and training sessions.

The page “ChatGPT and Education” is recommended.


Artificial Intelligence assisting professors

By Kayla Martin, News Reporter

Northern Star, February 8, 2024

“Northern Illinois University’s professors and students use the Blackboard website for coursework and classes everyday. Professors create modules, outline syllabi, post assignments and more.”


Artificial Intelligence courses at NIU – Spring 2024

CSCI 656 - Artificial Intelligence

Instructor: Reva Freedman   


Heuristic algorithms for solving real-world problems and approximating human intelligence. Basic concepts and methods for knowledge representation, heuristic problem solving and automated learning. Exposure to a variety of domains in which artificial intelligence is used. Extensive laboratory work. CRQ: CSCI 503 or consent of department.

ELE 658 - Artificial Intelligence

Instructor: Lichuan Liu 


Methodology in the design of a knowledge-based system using LISP or other appropriate computer language. Subjects and strategies including information base, forward chaining, testing and debugging, and dedicated hardware. Stages from initial problem definition to system implementation will be discussed. PRQ: Consent of department.

Also check Continuing Professional Education offerings at:


Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning

Teaching with AI Quick Study Series - presented by ACUE

Fully online and asynchronous. Learn at your own pace! Open to all faculty classifications.


The Teaching with AI Series equips you with the foundational knowledge and skills needed to efficiently utilize AI. In these courses, you will explore the context and terminology of AI, recognize challenges associated with using AI in education, and identify the benefits of leveraging AI in education.


Writing Effective AI Prompts

Leveraging AI to Develop Course Resources

Teaching with AI-Inclusive and AI-Resistant Learning Experiences

Empowering Students to Use AI Responsibly

Course anticipated launch: April 1, 2024




Nestor Osorio