We have seating and a sampling of children's books on the first floor of the library. The children's and young adult book collections are on the 4th floor of the library. A changing table is available on the first floor women's restroom. Founders Memorial Library has two lactation spaces: one in FO 322 and one in FO 102A. Stop by the Welcome Desk on the 1st floor to access the spaces.
Busy Bags offer caregivers free toys. Located near the Student Success and Well-Being Collection on the 1st floor by the circulation desk, are paper bags filled with toys and activities caregivers can pick up during library visits. Busy Bags do not need to be returned to the library - they are designed for our youngest patrons to use while in the library and/or take home and enjoy.
We'd like to hear from you. Please contact us at lib-admin@niu.edu to provide feedback and suggestions for our spaces and resources for families.