Update Frequency |
Daily |
Daily |
Historical Coverage |
1970 - Present |
1945 - Present; If Century of Science backfile purchased, coverage back to 1900 |
Citation Overview |
Yes - Includes a broader range of fields than Web of Science |
Yes |
Forward & Backward Citation Searching |
Yes |
Yes |
Citation Results Analyzer |
Yes |
Yes |
Citation & Article Alerts |
Yes |
Yes |
Article-Level Metrics |
Citations, usage, captures, mentions, and social media |
Citations |
Exporting Records |
20,000 records with basic citation information; 2,000 records will full metadata |
10,000 records with full metadata - only to Endnote Web; 500 records for all other exports |
Compatible with UAVitae |
Yes - Use "Generic" import format (RIS / BibTeX) |
Yes - Use "Web of Science" import format |
Author Search |
Yes - Searches algorithmic profile clusters |
Yes - Searches documents based on name, affiliation, and discipline. |
Author Profiles |
Yes - Algorithmic + User refinement |
Yes - User created |
H-Index |
Yes |
Yes |
ORCID Integration |
Yes |
Yes |
Journal Analyzer |
Yes - Included in Scopus |
No - Separate subscription to Journal Citation Reports [JCR] required |