Eligibility: NIU-affiliated faculty, fellows, post-docs, students, staff in the College of Health and Human Sciences
Note: Students engaging in a class-project, dissertation, thesis, or capstone project are only eligible for Tier 1 support.
Eligibility: NIU-affiliated faculty, fellows, instructors, staff, post-docs in the College of Health and Human Sciences
Note: Tier 2 support dependent upon librarian's availability.
As co-author, librarians fulfill the ICMJE criteria for authorship.
Librarians do not assist with:
Available upon request:
Librarian availability may impact response time or availability of Tier 2 services.
Both tiers of services are provided at no cost to the research team.
If you are interested in either service tier, please contact Betsy Sterner, Health Sciences Librarian, esterner@niu.edu. Please include the following information: