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Northern Illinois University
College of Law
David C. Shapiro Memorial Law Library

Secondary Sources: Treatises

This Guide will provide a more in-depth explanation about finding, identifying, and using Treatises in legal research

Treatises in Print

In many cases, the print materials will be available electronically in one of the proprietary databases the College of Law subscribes to.  However, there are numerous treatises which due to their value to students, faculty and attorneys we continue to update in print as well.  These treatises come in single or multivolumes, looseleaf or bound, updated with a pocketpart or annual supplement, and cover state and federal legal issues.

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Two Types of Print Treatises

Looseleaf Treatises are three (or more) ringed binders where individual pages can be removed and replaced.  Common publishers include Matthew Bender, LexisNexis, 

Looseleaf Treatises are updated via looseleaf pages, where individually pages are updated and replaced in order.  Every update will be identified with an "Update Number" and date which will be inserted in the front of the first volume of the Treatise.  Please check the very first page of the Treatise to ensure you access the most up to date information.

Bound Treatises are traditional books ranging from multiple to single volumes.

Bound Treatises are updated via pocketpart inserts in the back of the book or through a free standing, softcover supplement shelved with the other volumes.  Be sure to check the back of the book and the other volumes to ensure you access the most up to date information.

Examples of Print Treatise in the Law Library

Moore's Federal Practice - In Print at KF 8816 .A1953                                     

                                                                                                                                                                         (last updated in 2021)  

Search and SeizureIn Print at KF 9630 .L26 2020                                          

                                                                                                                                                                      (last updated in 2020)  

Nimmer on Copyright - In Print at KF 2991.5 .N53                                            

                                                                                                                                                                      (last updated in 2021)  

Treatise on Constitutional Law - In Print at KF 4550 .R63                               

                                                                                                                                                                        (last updated in September 2015)  

Gitlin on Divorce - In Print at KFI 1300 .G57                                                      

                                                                                                                                                                         (last updated in 2021)  

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