Researching With by Jessica Smartt Gullion; Abigail TiltonCall Number: H62 .G85 2020
ISBN: 9789004424845
Publication Date: 2020-02-20
Many community health interventions fail, wasting tax dollars and human resources. These interventions are typically designed by subject matter experts who don't have direct experience with the local community. In contrast, successful interventions are built from the ground up, planned and implemented by the people that will benefit from them, using community-based action research. Researching With: A Decolonizing Approach to Community-Based Action Research is a guide for how to do research that is inclusive, engages in community-building, and implements a decolonizing framework. This text advocates for a collaborative approach, researching with communities, rather than conducting research on them. Reviewing both theory and method, Jessica Smartt Gullion and Abigail Tilton offer practical tips for forming community partnerships and building coalitions. Researching With also includes helpful information about incorporating community work into a successful academic career.