Dr. James B. Pick/Dr. Rosalyn Laudati Southeast Asia Fellowship -- APPLY HERE
Northern Illinois University Libraries invites applications from scholars to conduct research using the Southeast Asia Collection at our campus location in DeKalb, Illinois. This fellowship is to assist scholars from countries where Southeast Asian materials are limited or not readily available for research. The fellowship, funded by the Dr. James B. Pick and Dr. Rosalyn Laudati Endowment, provides up to $5,500 to cover international airfare, accommodation, visa fees, health insurance, and a living stipend for two weeks. NIU Libraries will provide a letter of invitation that the visiting scholar may use to apply for visa to travel to the United States. It is the responsibility of the fellow to obtain the visa, including paying for visa fees in advance. NIU will book the international flight ticket, ground transportation between Chicago and NIU, hotel at the NIU Holmes Student Center, and purchase health insurance for the fellow. Please visit the Southeast Asia Collection website (https://libguides.niu.edu/sea) for more information on its holdings.
Eligibility: Faculty members, independent scholars, graduate students, and librarians currently based outside the United States are eligible to apply. Research in any topic related to Southeast Asia is acceptable, with preference given to those whose topics are particularly relevant to the holdings of the NIU Southeast Asia Collection.
Timeline: Applications are accepted until March 31, 2024, for the fellowship in the following fall or spring semester (https://www.niu.edu/academics/calendars/index.shtml). Application deadline will be March 31. Applicants will be informed of the decision in May 2024. Fellows will stay at NIU for two weeks.
To Apply: Submit online form and email your CV and one letter of recommendation to ggregory@niu.edu no later than March 31.