When should I submit a manual interlibrary loan request?
Use Manual interlibrary loan requests for any material that you can't get the full text of from Google Scholar, from a database, or by searching NIU Libraries for the material.
Materials that you should submit manual interlibrary loan requests for:
- Articles or conference papers that you can't get the full text of from Google Scholar, a database, or from NIU Libraries website;
- Scans of book chapters or encyclopedia articles;
- Dissertations not available on ProQuest Digital Dissertations (see https://libguides.niu.edu/Education/databases).
Instructions: Submit a manual interlibrary loan request
- Login to My Library Account.
- Once logged in, click NIUILLiad under Interlibrary Loan (ILLiad).

- Create a New Request for the type of material you'd like and fill in the request form. Submit Request when done. Articles ordered via NIUILLiad generally take between 3 business days and 2 weeks to process and you will receive an email when the full text is available.